How to use this calculator

  1. Enter your desired/total points needed for the redemption you are wanting to take

  2. Enter the transfer ratio (typically 1:1) from the Bank (Chase, Amex, etc.) to the Airline/Hotel

    1. In cases where this is different (for example Amex to Hilton is 1:2), then you would put in From: 1 To: 2

  3. Enter the transfer bonus percentage that is currently being offered

  4. “Points needed” tells you the exact point calculation, however due to most transfer portals requiring you to round up to the nearest 1000, the “Points to transfer” will give you the amount to enter into the transfer portal.

For a master list of all transfer partners, transfer ratios, and estimated transfer time, click here (Courtesy of Thrifty Traveler)

Transfer Bonus Calculator



Points Needed:

Points to Transfer: